Q: I tyied to copy a opentype font into the windows mobile, and it can not show the characters corrently. Is there any solution such as "ups10.dll", a special dll for windows mobile?
A: The answer is big NO. Just by copying the opentype font into the device will make to display the text shown without the proper rendering (glyph substitution, glyph positioning etc. are not done). WinCE 5.0 itself has introduced the fecility to have internationalization including the rendering of opentype fonts. I had built a mobile device platform using the WinCE 5.0 SDK long ago. I also developed a multilingual notepad -English, Hindi and Kannada - employing Visual Studio .NET Compact Framework, way back in 2004 itself. But none of the devices available in the market allow me to replace their OS by the one built by me. They neither include the components required for rendering the opentype font also. I have sent emails to HTC, the largest manufacturer of Windows Mobile devices requesting them to include these compnents. My email was not replied at all. I have repeatedly requested Microsoft India to take up the issue with device manufacturers like HP, HTC, etc. They also did not bother. This is the situation.